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Meet Some of the Permaculture Principles we Strive to Live By.

Tranquil forest

The nature of symbiotic relationships shows us explicitly that “It takes a Village” and that no member, no matter how small, is any less valuable or significant when it comes to our long-term success, sustainability, and prosperity as an


(because what good is an ECOsystem that isn’t based on EQUity) 

   Our Foundation is a Forest Floor...


In a forest, although the lifespan of many things come to an end, their useful life, does not, as they are recycled back in as nutrients.

Although our communities are often lacking in equitable resources, if we take a look around often we are surrounded by raw materials, that have the potential for new life if we are creative enough to give It to them; reducing our bottom line, and the impact to mother earth, all while improving our quality of life.

Not Much

Is Trash...

Rocks of Balance

Without our intervention Nature is at balance; and balance creates sustainability and longevity. No One of us is perfect and no one of us can embody any methodology, perfectly; we strive to create a space for growth and learning, and to create healthy balance in the pursuit of a better quality of life; each at our own pace and with balance as a marker for success not compliance.   

  Balance is Best.

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Both literally and figuratively: how can we formulate our lives, communities, and organizations so that they emulate "360 degrees" of sustainability as a model, and in doing so how can we resolve this food apartheid we see systematically taking place in our hoods.  

Create Systems That Feed Each Other...



In permaculture sometimes you have to find the beauty in functionality and not in “perceived perfection”. Sometimes for these types of changes to be acceptable we have to adjust our lens, from what we BELIEVE farming, women or life NEED to look like in order to be considered worthy. Sometimes you have to...

 let things grow a little bit wild.

Beauty Confused   with Perfection...


the more longevity, the better!... and if nature teaches us anything it’s that creating systems based on the above principles, gets us one step closer to systems that will survive many many lifetimes. So we can build generational wealth (and by wealth we don’t just mean money).

Sustainability is Key

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Renegade Royal Titles
Permaculture Principles We Live By !
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